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Help The Hive Thrive

Volunteer opportunities and ways to support the Skate Hunnies.

You make it possible.

Much of our community programming is hosted and created by the community, for the community. If you love what we do and want to support, consider becoming a monthly contributing member, volunteering, or making a one time donation!

How to Give Back

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Volunteer with Us

Love the mission and want to be a part of it? We're always looking for helping hands at events and with creative projects.


Become a Member

You Bee-long with Us! Join the Hive for exclusive perks and the sweet satisfaction of keeping our wheels rolling.


Make A Donation

Give a drop of honey to help us continue to spread joy and connection through movement. Any contribution counts!

Thank You! Your contributions helps us grow and spread the buzz—one skater at a time.

Donate Now

Help us make a difference


Thank you for your donation!

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